What men, particularly under 40 years of age, must know about testicular cancer?

24/01/2023 Rajiv Tewari 0

Testicular cancer is painless and therefore awareness about how to diagnose this type of cancer is so important. A monthly self-examination can easily indicate if there is any abnormality in the testicles area. If anything feels abnormal in the form of bumps, ridges or a mass in the testicle area then simply ensure that it is examined by a doctor for a final diagnosis.

Servant Leadership in Practice

08/11/2022 Rajiv Tewari 0

By: Rajiv Tewari, based on interactions, observations and dialogues with Commander Navneet Bali, Regional Director (North) at Narayana Health. I have known Commander Navneet Bali for almost a […]