Media4Media (24/04/24)

  1. The Madness of the Media: A Quagmire of Politics and Truth
  2. Seven things journalists can do to counter news avoidance
  3. We need to stop demonising social media: William H Dutton, Founder Director, Oxford Internet Institute
  4. Women Journalists Bear The Brunt Of Cyberbullying, Says Expert
  5. Bridging the Gap: Collaboration between Digital Content Creators and Journalists in the Information Sphere
  6. Watching the watchdogs: The media downplays a big legal story at its peril
  7. From Orkut to Instagram, how the Internet is changing the way we make and maintain friendships
  8. ‘My Lowest Turnout Is Higher Than Your Highest’: Jaishankar’s Response To ‘Noises From Western Press’
  9. Western media’s already out to undermine legitimacy of a Modi win
  10. Civil War: Journalism saves a disintegrating democracy from the jaws of death in Alex Garland’s gut-wrenching dystopian thriller