Justice & Righteousness

  1. Abuse of Power Leaves Employees Drowning in Unchecked Authority.
  2. Bullying and harassment at work
  3. Workplace Harassment Outside of Office Hours or Office Buildings
  4. Elder Abuse Statistics | Facts & Data on Elder & Nursing Home Abuse
  5. “Rise-Up: Empowering Youth as Architects of Social Justice”
  6. Does victim have right to impleadment in revision plea against framing of charges? Delhi High Court answers
  7. High court directs videoconferencing of all proceedings at district court ..
  8. There Can’t Be Piecemeal Disclosure Of Material On Which Prosecution Seeks To Base Its Case: Delhi High Court
  9. Swift Justice: Rapid Compensation For Minor Victim Under POCSO Act Ensured In MP’s Barwani
  10. Presumption of guilt under POCSO Act does not mean police case is gospel truth: Delhi High Court